Publicaciones dentales
Maxillaris - Revista especializada
Comunicación Global en Odontología
The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
For more than 85 years, the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics remains the leading orthodontic resource. It is the official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics. Each month its readers have access to original peer-reviewed articles that examine all phases of orthodontic treatment.
Medical Sciences Bulletin
Editor Jefe: L.E. Liberti; Editor: R.P. Hand; Pub: Pharmaceutical Information Associates, Ltd. y Hosted by PharmInfoNet. "Los artículos en el Boletín de las Ciencias Médicas se enfocan, la mayor parte, a drogas específicas, aunque hay también artículos de enfermedades y salud en general".
Leslie's list of listservs, dental bulletin boards and newsgroups - L.C. Hassett, Universidad de Iowa, Facultad de Odontología
Leslie's list of listservs, dental bulletin boards and newsgroups - L.C. Hassett, Universidad de Iowa, Facultad de Odontología. Una gran base de datos de Listservs, Bulletin Boards y Newsgroups World Wide.
Dentistry on-line- Priory Lodge Education Ltd., England
Fórum Internacional de Odontología: Incluye artículos de Odontología.
Dental-Telecommunications-Network- Carl Stewart
Dental-Telecommunications-Network- Carl Stewart. La guía Den-Tel-Net, se distribuye mensualmente con artículos pertenecientes a campos de especialidades dentales, Periodoncias, Endodoncias, Ortodoncias, Cirugía Oral, etc.
The Global Dental NewsJournal
A uniquely informative, interactive NewsJournal dedicated to quality dentists worldwide.
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
The purpose of the Journal of Pedodontics, Inc. is to provide clinically relevant information to enable the practicing dentist to perform better dentistry to their pediatric dental patients/clients.
Journal of Orthodontics
The aim of the Journal of Orthodontics is to publish clinical and research papers of interest to orthodontists in Britain and throughout the world, including those involved in teaching and research.